“Strategies for sustainability: Implementation insights for long-term sustainment of programs that routinely collect Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) in cancer care clinical settings”. COSA Cancer Survivorship Conference. Adelaide, March
“Breast Cancer Bundle of care: a pilot study”. 2022 COSA Annual Scientific Meeting. Brisbane, November
“Out-of-pocket expenses of Western Australians living with cancer and determinants of costs”, Science on the Swan, Perth, May
“Patient Reported Outcome Measures in a Western Australian Pilot Group of Lung Cancer Patients: Implementation of the Continuous Improvement in Care” Australian Lung Cancer Conference, February
“‘Proof of Concept’: Implementation of a patient outcomes data capture and analytics system, NHMRC Symposium, November
“Buy or Build?” ICHOM Conference, Rotterdam, May
“Placing patients first” IHF World Hospital Congress, Brisbane, October
“When is enough” COSA’s 45th Annual Scientific Meeting, Perth, November
‘Measuring what’s important” COSA’s 45th Annual Scientific Meeting, Perth, November