Consumer input to the research

Omproving outcomes for cancer patients and their carers is the goal of the CIC Cancer project. As such consumer and community involvement is integral to this research.

Research oversight

Cancer consumers are fully involved in the management of the CIC Cancer project. For each individual cancer type, appropriately experienced consumers participate in the development and implementation of project activities through membership of the Project Steering Committee and a Consumer Reference Group. This partnership is underpinned by the National Health and Medical Research Council’s stated commitment for: ‘consumers, community members, researchers and research organisations working in partnerships, to improve the health and well-being of all Australians through health and medical research’ (2016).

Study Participants

If you are undergoing investigation or receiving a diagnosis for lung cancer, or having been diagnosed with breast, colorectal, prostate, or ovarian cancer you may be invited to participate in the study. Learn more….