The CIC Cancer project measures value-based outcomes in five cancers using internationally established methods (International Consortium for Health Outcomes - ICHOM). We are trialling these outcome measures in public and private hospital settings in Perth. We use the data collected to:

  • feedback to individual services on the care they provide;

  • work with health providers to identify gaps in services and variations in patient outcomes; and

  • develop new research and development programs to address these gaps, and improve clinical practice.

The results of this research project are being used to identify best practice and work with health services and other researchers to improve cancer care where needed.

The objectives of this project are to:

  • implement a system that will enable the capture and integration of existing clinical and new PROMs in both public and private hospital settings;

  • demonstrate the value of this combined dataset to informing clinical assessment and treatment protocols as determined by both clinicians and their patients;

  • determine whether the health outcomes of cancer patients being managed in this way improve relative to those undergoing current clinical practices; and

  • determine whether the improved patient outcomes can be achieved in a cost-efficient manner.