Using internationally accepted clinical measures and patient reported outcome measures, the research is being undertaken at Royal Perth, Fiona Stanley or King Edward Memorial Hospitals or St John of God Subiaco or Midland Hospitals (Participating sites).
The research project collects information about your cancer care and outcomes of care that are important to you. This will be used to:
inform your care team about what matters most to you about your care;
provide information to individual health services on the care they provide;
identify gaps in services and variations in patient outcomes; and
develop new research and development programs to address these gaps and improve clinical practice.
What will you need to do?
Your participation involves completing questionnaires over a number of different times during your cancer care. These questionnaires are known as Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs).
How will you benefit from the research?
The direct benefit to you will be timely discussions with your doctor about the impact of the care on your life. This may lead to improved care for you.
The overall benefits of the research will be that use of questionnaires to measure the effects of healthcare provision will become routine for all people diagnosed with cancer in WA. This will improve cancer care into the future.
What will be done with the results?
The results of this research project will be used to identify best practice and work with health services and other researchers to improve cancer care where needed.
The results will also be published and/or presented in a variety of forums. In any publication and/or presentation, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified.